Soapbox: Profile Photos

Social media has become a great way for those of us who live far away from family to keep those interested abreast of what is going on in our day to day worlds. It’s particularly great for those of us with kids, grandparents can see pictures whenever their little hearts desire, and FaceBook has provided me with a couple of neighborhood specific mom groups. Very helpful things.

Something I have noticed since having a kid and joining these mom groups is that quite a few parents, usually moms, make their children their profile photo. This really gets under my skin. This is your profile, not your child’s. If you’re going to post a profile photo with your child in it, make sure you’re in it too. It is easy enough for the world at large to write off women who are mothers as just being a mom, we don’t need to help them. Your profile photo should show me who you are, posting just your child as your profile photo tells me that you no longer think having an identity separate from your child is important. 

Post all the kid pictures you want, my FaceBook and Instagram are full of them, but let me see your face next to your name.

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